OneTwoThreeFour - Goodbye, Sunshine
posted by High Voltage Staff | Sunday, July 15, 2007 | 5:29 PM
Goodbye, Sunshine [EP]
It's not often that an EP can astound you within the first few seconds of pressing play. But OneTwoThreeFour, a young five-piece band from New Jersey have seemed to be able to do just that on this — their debut on Regular Music. Singer/songwriter Robin Gazzara, whose solo work previously consisted of acoustic guitar and piano (now accompanied by guitarists Daniel Moran, and Ryan Gardiner later replaced by Zac Ciancaglini, bassist Justin Daniel, and drummer Jason Macri ), shows her range from the punchy "Pantene," to the haunting "Leave Me Sleep." Goodbye, Sunshine's first and strongest track, "Are You Alive," is both evocative and beautiful. It dares you to pick yourself up out of the rut you're in and to live your life to its fullest potential. "Fly Away" is a soulful, light daydream of what ifs and why nots. This EP is a rich, meticulously arranged debut from a band we can only hope will continue to amaze us. — Naimah Holmes
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